Sunday 17 May 2009

Walk of Shame

A while back, I commented about how I found it amusing to watch people who have slept somewhere other than their own bed make their way home on Sunday mornings. Now I find that doing this actually has a name: the "walk of shame."

I came across it while reading a site called Texts from Last Night. Their hook is "Remember that text you shouldn't have sent last night? We do." Recipients of these text faux-pas forward them to this site for all the world to see. Very funny, and usually pretty vulgar.

Anyway, the text that caught my attention was:
The good thing about walking home in a dress on Sunday morning is that people mistake my walk of shame as a walk to God.
Pretty good.

And after doing a little more poking around, I found that the Huffington Post reported last summer that "the 'morning after' look has morphed from ignominy to desirability -- the walk of shame has become chic."

My favourite, though, is the report in Campus Delight (albeit fictitious) that describes a walk of shame hall of fame to be opened near Boston University. The piece says:
An independent alumni group of Boston University, long known throughout the Northeast as a party school, unveiled plans yesterday to open a ‘Walk of Shame Hall of Fame’. The Hall will honor BU students who have gained a certain amount of celebrity throughout the campus for shacking up with randoms, then making that long walk home the next morning in their nighttime attire.
(Photo from Campus Delight)

Maybe they should do this for real.

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