Now I know that many of these visits are from me. Although the counter does not include visits from my browser, sometimes I check-in on the site from other computers (vanity).
And granted, I've noticed that many visitors leave after only one second, so they either landed here by mistake or really don't like what they see.
Nonetheless, people have come, and have come from many diverse geographies. Improbably, some even stay to read this stuff, which amazes me given the craptacular nature of the material.
So, thanks to all of you who take the time to read this drivel. I'll attempt to keep posting on a not-too-irregular basis, which I hope will provide you with at least some mild amusement.

Keep it up....you are usually amusing and every know and then quite witty.
that should be now....luckily people don't read the comments!
Yes, but I do!
Oh, and thanks for the kind words (in addition to a narcissist, I'm also an ingrate).
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