Fox News has really pulled out all the stops to slur Barack Obama, abandoning any remaining pretence about being "fair and balanced."

As reported in the
Guardian and elsewhere, Fox News showed an on-screen graphic referring to the Senator's wife as "Obama's Baby Mama," which I have now learned is a slang term for black single mothers. Earlier, a Fox News anchor referred to the Obama's fist bump as a "
terrorist fist-jab."
Obviously, fist-bumping is a terribly subversive act, as clearly described in Time's
A Brief History of the Fist Bump. I wonder if Fox has seen all of these other terrorists - the Yankees, Joe Lieberman and the Wondertwins? Better watch out!

In a perverse way, this incident, which typifies what passes for reporting at Fox, is actually a good thing in the long run. Their lame attempts to pander to a bigoted and xenophobic audience will set them on a path towards self-destruction as that demographic continues to shrink into irrelevancy.
Fortunately, Americans have finally begun to wake up and will increasingly push back against Fox's and others' particular brand of idiotic hate-mongering that passes for news. Finally, some light appears between the dark clouds that have covered the country for the past eight years!
Of course, Murdoch's a shrewd businessman. Once he senses the winds changing, you'll see the tone at Fox shift.
1 comment:
You, my friend, are at the top of your blogging game. From shoe phones to fist bumps, from Papa Dolmio to knickers. (Oh! and thanks for the UK/US translation of knickers)
Keep up the great work! We are LOVING it.
America watches!
Man who lights boat stoves on fire
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