This comes after Avram (Dracula) Grant has spouted off about how his team will focus on playing attacking and imaginative football, and demeaning his predecessor's focus on achieving results over style. I guess that's going well.

I know that I said that cheering for the little guys is fun, but it hurts when they beat your team.
I hope this isn't Karma's revenge for my glee over the trouble Barnsley gave to Liverpool in their Cup match.
What a load of rubbish. He better sack the vampire soon.
Far be it from me to rub salt in the wounds...
I am sure you don't need me to point out there's an aesop's fable in there waiting to be written...
Although a good friend of mine did turn on the tv and caught the frenetic last ten mins but was under the impression it was a European match he'd tuned in to because of the scoreline and the fact chelsea's opposition was abreviated to BAR in the top left scoreline. I did break the news that it was not actually possible for Barcelona to knock the mighty Chelski out of the FA cup and that that honour had in fact gone to Barnsley this year...
As a Liverpool supporter I am naturally more generous on these ocassions than my chelsea comrades so may i join the rest of the nation in wishing you the very best of luck next season.
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