On the night of the 2000 US presidential election, we dined on one of my favourite dishes, Penne alla Vodka, while we watched the unfolding TV coverage. I remember enjoying this tasty meal as the apparently good news arrived from the early returns. Confidence grew, and it looked like the beginning of an enjoyable evening.

As the night wore on, good news turned to bad and joy turned to disappointment. The delicious meal that I enjoyed earlier that evening no longer sat so well with me. Since then, each time I face a plate of Penne alla Vodka, memories of that night flood back and my stomach begins to churn.

Given this history, I'm not sure why that, as I plan for this year's election night dinner, I am considering tempting fate by putting Penne alla Vodka back on the menu. Perhaps I am hoping it will exorcise the ghosts of 2000 once and for all.
On the other hand, perhaps it's too risky. This election remains way too close, and I don't want to do anything that may tip the balance. I think we'll go with the chicken.